"Ross and his partners say they figured out a way to identify the frequency of any nutrient and embed it into their own patches. In theory, the human energy field can recognize the frequencies and cause the same chemical reaction inside the body as if those nutrients had been eaten.
This means that instead of an athlete having to eat a banana to get potassium to prevent cramping in the middle of a game, Ross says, an athlete could have the frequency for potassium on his or her skin in the chip and the body would respond as if it had been ingested.
Ross says he helped create a formula for several over-the-counter nutrients athletes need while performing. The frequencies for those nutrients, Ross says, were then stored on the chips inside a hologram."
What is this, Star Wars?
Well apparently Zack Etheridge and other Auburn players swear on camera that they are the bomb.com.
"Etheridge says his teammates were impressed enough to try the chips during the season. When Auburn beat Oregon 22-19 in the BCS title game, many of the Auburn players were wearing the chips in the form of a band wrapped around their wrists, according to Etheridge's account."
Ross also makes/sales another product called the Ultimate Spray which is made from deer antler velvet which contains a growth hormone that is banned by all major professional sports, which is where the controversy comes from.
I had never heard of this before today, and that seems odd. But it seems that this Ross guy is selling the ultimate Snake Oil. I'm really curious to see if how many players were wearing this band on their wrists during the BCS game, which is just another reason to bust out the official DVD of the BCS game I purchased. Nevertheless I'm extremely intrigued by this drug/article and was wondering what the citizenz thought of it.