Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Finley and his very first stand up.

Finley asked me not to post this on Facebook, but I definitely wanted you guys to catch a glimpse.

Friday, October 7, 2011

FFEF Take 2 - Mutemath 'Odd Soul'

My main draw to Mutemath is the fact that they are so percussion driven and 'Odd Soul' stays true to that. They open the album with a raw, edgy, rock and roll sound(kind of their on take of the Black Keys), take a breather and relax in to something of a more laid back sound mixing in some vibraphone during 'Sun Ray.' Next they move into a Maroon 5ish sound with 'Allies,' using some distorted keytar, that's right they have a keytar. Mutemath makes another turn with 'Cavalries' and take us back to the seventies with some classic organ, seventies drum beats, heavy cow bell and bongos mixed throughout the song. The album settles in the 70s groove giving us funky bass lines, old school guitar riffs/solos, staccato piano, and spacey organ for the next few songs, but then the whole thing kinda fizzles out with the last three songs. This album is all over the map but it's still an okay listen.
You might have to scroll back and fourth if the album moves up or down their rankings.

FFEF - Radiohead TKOL Remix

So if you're into dubstep and Radiohead this might be cool. The way I figure it is that these different remixers can't fuck the album up any worse than Radiohead did, but I don't want to speak too soon. It took me a couple of times to get the Play all to work, so you might have to refresh the page a couple of times. I might write a little more after I get farther than 30 seconds into listening. We shall see.
You might also have to scroll back and forth at the top of the page to find the Radiohead album
I noticed the new Mute Math album was on the site as well. It could possibly be another solid album to check out considering they are playing workplay soon....only drawback is that they are playing the same night as Blind Pilot in different rooms. Mutemath is a definite 'must see live' band, but since I've seen them once I will personally be catching Blind Pilot.

Okay there definitely is a way for these people to fuck up King of Limbs worse than Radiohead did. I couldn't make it halfway through the album. I'm currently sampling Mute Math's 'Odd Soul' and should have a review up later today.