Dexter is a blood spatter specialist for the Miami PD by day and a serial killer by night... but he only kills people who "fit the code." The show is the great debate of morality and whether it can exist outside the law. It also allows one to see how a real life Super Hero might go about taking care of business.
The acting in the show is pretty top notch and there are some great side characters who keep the show interesting. The are a bunch of twists and turns that you expect from any weekly series, but they try to keep it honest and it hasn't gotten progressively worse year after year like Weeds or Californication where the writer's struggle to come up with new/interesting material.
Dexter is my favorite TV show series of all time and I have purchased each season on DVD. I highly recommend this show to everyone and even though you might not have seen the first 4 seasons its a show that recaps a lot and allows for new watchers to pick up and not feel left out. If you really end up liking it and want to borrow the first couple of seasons feel free. The new season premieres this Sunday September 26th.
That's way better than my, "He's a serial killer with a heart of gold" description of the show.