Sunday, November 21, 2010

Free Sunday Ear Food

Heres a good one that you may or may not have already heard of. It comes from a one man show named "Girl Talk". He is young guy about our age who has had a couple albums already out but you cant download them on itunes because his music is technically illegal to sell (you can buy it on though.) He just came out with a new cd though and it is pretty damn good.

He essentially takes samples (without permission) from other songs and blends them together to make a new song. on average he takes about 15 different songs that you would never think to blend together and makes a nice little toe tapper out of them. His music is good background music at a wild party or orgy.

The whole new cd is available for free download at

For those of you who are at work and can't download stuff

1 comment:

  1. Damn, that's pretty good. I love reading reviews on Those self-indulgent butt-fuckers think people actually give a shit about what they write (says the guy who writes on a blog...)
