Friday, January 28, 2011

Free Friday Ear Food - The Great Book of John

Wasn't going to do one today since I did one earlier in the week but damn it, it's Friday! So here's a small one. The Great Book of John is a local band here in the Ham, founded by the guitarist of Wild Sweet Orange. Their first album, Yves' Blues, was an acoustic/harmonica heavy modern day take on Dylan, which is showcased masterfully on the opening track Political Song, which is also the first song on this playlist.

The band has been on a bit of hiatus since their first album released, playing various shows around the southeast but remaining mostly quiet, until now. Two new songs have been recorded that will be on their up coming album, and the band is playing at the Bottletree here in town next Friday (I guess that would have been the best day to do their FFEF, oh well). The songs mark a new direction the band is going in, getting away from the modern Dylan, toward a more original sound. Those two songs can be found here as part of a local project that has local bands writing new songs for vinyl called the 7" Series. You can also check out the two songs of the other two bands featured in the first series. I have yet to listen to them, so no comment on that.

1 comment:

  1. Is it just me or is this a theme with the Wild Sweet Orange guys: come up with something big and then immediately go on hiatus.
