Hopefully I got you to look here first instead of at the recent comments, where answers are already showing up. So beware of spoilers. You have been warned.
Since so much music has already been shared this week, and I'm lacking on something wonderful to share at the time I thought I would go a different route, mainly influenced by the book I am reading, The Waste Lands. This is the third entry in the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, which is easily one of the best Sci-Fi/Fantasy series in the last 30 years.
But not to be distracted. In The Waste Lands the plot is heavily riddled with, well, riddles. In the world where Roland, the main character, comes from riddles are very serious business. There are riddle competitions were it was not unheard of to kill a man for cheating. Being good at riddles was very prestigious. In our world, riddles are the oldest game known to man still played to this day. I found myself very much entertained by trying to solve these riddles as they were told throughout the book, so I thought I would share the love.
In the book, Roland and his ka-tet sit around a camp fire, and Jake, a boy from NYC circa 1980 has book of riddles and begins to share them with the group. Eddie, a heroin addict from Brooklyn circa 1970 starts off with a joke:
Why did the dead baby cross the road?
Because it was stapled to the chicken!
Roland did NOT find this funny and told Eddie to shove it.
Here are some of the riddles that were shared around the camp fire. I will post the answers next week, but feel free to answer in the comments. Just know that there may be spoilers there if others get them right.
EDIT: And consequently, the guesses/answers may show up on the side w/ the recent comments.
What runs, but never walks
Has a mouth, but never talks
Has a head, but doesn't think
Has a bed, but never sleeps?
What is dressed at nightfall, and undressed at day break?
(I really didn't like this one, but just wondering if anyone could figure it out)
What lies in a bed, stands in a bed, first is white, then is red, the plumper it gets, better the old women like it?
(No its not a penis, Eddie guessed this and pissed the gunslinger off even further, so be mindful.)
A thing that is nothing, but has a name. It's sometimes tall, sometimes short, joins our talk and joins our sport, and plays at every game.
What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it,
The rich don't need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?
These are not from the book, just thrown in for good measure.
A blue house is made of blue bricks. A yellow house is made of yellow bricks. A red house is made of red bricks. An orange house is made of orange bricks. What would a green house be made of?
I start with the letter "e" and end with the letter "e" and I usually contain 1 letter, but I am not the letter "e"!
Enjoy, good luck, and Godspeed. Just don't go crazy over them, AND DON"T USE THE INTERWEBZ! I have found that if you think about them just enough at first and can't find the answer, your brain will keep trying to solve them on its own. Out of the blue the other day, one the answers just came to me when I wasn't even thinking of it, and with it came a great sense of joy and accomplishment.
I'm pretty sure the last one is envelope. Not sure about any of the others.
ReplyDeleteI think the first one is a river.
ReplyDeleteI think I have the answer to the house one, but I'm gonna wait and see if someone else posts it.
ReplyDelete#1: River, #2: ?, #3: Rose?, #4:?, #5: ?, #6: glass, #7: I was gonna guess "eye" but I think envelope is a better answer.
ReplyDeleteI have one too:
What do you never want to call a black person? It begins with "n" and ends with "r" and it's not the obvious word you think of and scream constantly while driving.
A Nagger
ReplyDelete"Nagger" is not quite the answer I'm looking for. I do, however, value your opinion and your different perspective and insight.
ReplyDeleteThe answers:
ReplyDelete1. A river
2. A fire
3. A strawberry
4. A shadow
5. Nothing
6. Glass
7. Envelope/Eye It's a double riddle.
And the Wolf's riddle: A neighbor.