Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Listen: Iron and Wine - Kiss Each Other Clean

Iron and Wine teamed up with none other than TeamCoco to promote their new album Kiss Each Other Clean. The album came out today, the band played on Conan last night (a good performance, IMO), and they are streaming the new album on teamcoco.com, and even better, they let us stream the album right here.

The album starts off with a rather modern interpretation of Bob Dylan's A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall, with lyrics about seeing white dogs and oceans and moutains, children in rivers, birds in the sky, etc. This song along with the single Tree by the River are very similar to Sam Beam's previous work, but other than that the album takes a new turn. Beam said “It’s more of a focused pop record. It sounds like the music people heard in their parent’s car growing up… that early-to-mid-’70s FM, radio-friendly music."

The album features a jazz horn section very heavily, and also a lot more keyboard than previous albums. He finishes it off with the 7:00 minute long, Your Fake Name is Good Enough, which I believe to be the highlight of the album.

I was going to save this for Free Friday, but I'm not sure how long the stream will be up since the album came out today, so get your ears on.


  1. Your fake name is definitely the best song on the album.

  2. this cd is really good. i have never heard of them before. do they have any other cd's? All ive ever heard of is the song iron and wine by the postal service.

  3. This is their 4th full length album. They also have a B-side collection they released, plus a few EPs, and live albums. The Shepard's Dog is my favorite CD of them, followed by Our Endless Numbered Days. They are great Sunday aftertunes.
