Heath's post about the life and times of Will Hill reminded me of a similar comedy of errors starring Willie Williams from Miami, Florida. Some of you may not remember Willie since his fifteen minutes occurred back before the emergence of Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere. Willie was one of the top recruits in the nation back in 2004 and the Miami Herald convinced him to keep a blog of his recruiting trail experiences. Boy, are we glad they did. What resulted was a tale of parties, dinners, and lavishments so extreme that the NCAA eventually stepped in. Unfortunately, the diary is no longer available in its original format but luckily Deadspin has given us a sample.
Willie eventually signed with The University of Miami and the rest of the story is best told by Yahoo! Sports. First you should read the story about Willie's long road to redemption and then you should read the story about how he unsurprisingly fucked it all up one last time.
I smell a 30 for 30 episode.