Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Holy Shit!

Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ! Whoever came up with that logo is a badass! But is there anyway to make it a little bigger?


  1. If someone can edit photos and make the smaller or bigger I would greatly appreciate it, because it does need to be a lot smaller, but paint fucks everything up when I try to edit with it. But on another note I just created an arsenal of logos. HDLs little sayings is what got me thinking, so he and I will be collaborating on the logo each week.

  2. looks awesome. The slogan should be "say hello to ya motha for me" Mark Whalburg would not have conjugated properly

  3. Every week someone else should come up with a different slogan. And if it sucks we will ridicule you mercilessly.

  4. I have intentions of coming up with slogans daily, like every episode of Futurama.
