I was talking to His Dark Lord and telling him that I really like Free Friday Ear Food and that I wanted to develop my own weekly blog. After bitching about the $8 bottle of Chianti that I purchased from Wal-Mart I have concluded that I need to stop buying wines from Wal-Mart, but more importantly I need a log of wines I like and dislike.
Of course this is a blog that everyone can contribute too and it will only make it better.
Sticking with Eame's Nazi blog rules, I want to be able to find all the wine reviews very fast, and if I'm in the mood for a specific type of wine I also want to be able to find that as well, so you need to tag the blog as "Wine" and the wine type..."Chianti." UPDATE: Tag "WDW" just like HDL does for "FFEF"
I also don't want to have to read your whole blog to find your rating of the wine so the first line of the blog should contain the year of the wine, the name-brand, the type of wine, region that the wine was produced in, the price of the wine, your score of the wine, where the wine is available for sale. Wine's should be rated on a 1-10 scale. Your score should be a weighted score of taste and price. Taste making up 75% of the score and the last 25% should be based on the price, but if the wine is priced high yet totally worth it, then it can still score a 9 or 10.
Visual aids are also helpful when trying to find a specific wine amongst hundreds of others on the shelf, so a picture would be appreciated. Once you get to your review you can talk about the bite, the bitterness, the body, pairing, flavors, and whatever else your little heart desires.
Today's blog will highlight 2 different Chiantis and below is the format of future WDWs
2009 Gabbiano, Chianti, Italy $9 Wal-Mart Score 2.4
I aerated the wine before consumption so I can't imagine how horrible it would have tasted had I not done so. The gasoline smell is pretty overwhelming and while it was semi tolerable, C Peezy and Boy George both poured their glasses down the drain...after I had a glass and a half, I followed suit. The only pairing suggestion I have is DON'T. The bite was also pretty bad. My suggestion... don't buy this wine.
2008 Raccolto, Chianti, Italy $12 Piggly Wiggly Score 4.6

Also aerated, it tasted a shitload better than the Gabbiano. The smell wasn't harsh, it was a lot smoother drink but the after taste was a little off-putting. This is a good 3rd bottle of wine, when everyone is already a little drunk and no one really gives a shit about the taste any more. This wine is definitely drinkable but I've had a lot better Chianti.